
Rajatotsav – Silver Jubilee Celebrations Events

Conveners: Dr. Seema Gupta, Dr. Sanjeeta Rani and Dr. Ravi Toteja

In 2016, the college has entered into its 25th year of establishment as a constituent college of the University of Delhi. The college planned a year-long Silver Jubilee Celebrations, Rajatotsav. A silver jubilee logo design competition was organized in Oct 2015 that was open to students, teaching and non teaching staff. A suitable logo was designed by Mr. Shubhankar Ganguli (B.Tech. Computer Science Sem VI). He was awarded with a cash prize of Rs. 5000/- and the logo has been adopted by the college to be used through the year for the College and the Silver Jubilee Celebrations.

Under the umbrella of Rajatotsav, a two-day workshop entitled ‘Science Pedagogy: Laboratory Learning to Classroom Teaching’ was organized for schoolteachers on Jan 20-21, 2016. Teachers from 18 schools participated in the workshop. The participants were provided with a kit that included laboratory manuals in Biology, Chemistry and Physics/Electronics prepared by the faculty of the college. The participants were given hands-on training in various experiments of Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Faculty members from Botany, Biomedical Science, Chemistry, Electronics, Physics and Zoology departments conducted the workshop as coordinators and resource persons).

Between Feb 6 - 8, 2016, the college organized a three-day Festival comprising a number of competitive events. One event was an Exhibition – Darpan that consisted of stalls put up by the various departments of the college as well as by various committees like Open Education, Research, Th!nk lab & CUBE, SPIE, Students’ Empowerment, Theatre in Education, NSS, Entrepreneurship, skill development and ANDY. In addition, the college through multi-media projections in the form of Bioscope – the audio visual gallery and use of still photographs, highlighted various dimensions of the college, its people and its contribution to the academia and the society in general.

Since the exhibition was a competitive event, the stalls of Darpan were evaluated over three days by eleven judges. The First Prize of Rs. 10,000/- was bagged by the ‘student-scientists’ in the Th!nk Lab. The Second Prize of Rs 7,500/- went to the NSS and Theatre Stall. There were two third prizes of Rs 5,000/- each for the Department of Mathematics and Electronics. In addition to this, two Commendation Prizes of Rs. 2,000/- each were awarded to the Department of Zoology and Research Stall.

The Festival also had various other competitive inter-school and inter-college events such as, Manthan, the inter-school and inter-college debate competitions, Rangmanch, the inter-college street play competition, Dhumki, the inter-school folk dance competition and Exquizit, the inter-college quiz competition. An inter-college volleyball (Women’s and Men’s) tournament with 24 teams was also organised. All members of participating teams were given free kits for playing in.