List of New Practicals/demonstrations introduced in in last one year (2019-2020)
Measurement of cell size using micrometer
WBC, platelets and RBCs counting
Developing TLC of fingerprints using various chemical methods
Cyber forensics by a cyber expert from Delhi Police helped students understand the various aspects of cyber forensics
Southern Blotting
In vitro amplification of DNA (PCR)
Microbial Culture techniques
App development using Android Studio
PCB Design and Fabrication (demostration of PCB Prototyping Machine)
Young‘s modulus of a wire by optical lever method
Modulus of rigidity of a wire by Maxwell‘s needle
Elastic constants of a wire by Searle‘s method
Resistivity of a Ge crystal with temperature by four–probe method from room temperature to 200 oC
Value of Boltzmann Constant by studying forward characteristics of diode
Value of Planck‘s constant by using LEDs of at least 4 different wavelengths
e/m of electron by Bar Magnet
Coefficient of Thermal Conductivity of Cu by Searle’s Apparatus
Variation of thermo-emf of a thermocouple with difference of temperature of its two Junctions using a null method And also calibrate the Thermocouple in a specified temperature range
Measurement of susceptibility of paramagnetic solution (Quinck`s Tube Method)
Calculation of numerical aperture of a diode LASER using Goniometer
Calculation of diffraction spread of a diode LASER using Goniometer
Plotting of P-E hysteresis for a sample
Separation of proteins by SDS-Polyacrylamide gel
PTC test, to analyze Mendelian inheritance and study Hardy-Weinberg Law
Culturing and observation of ciliates/bacteria
DNA isolation from bacterial culture
Agarose Gel electrophoresis
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using 18S rRNA primers