Acharya Narendra Dev College

University of Delhi

NAAC Grade "A+" | NIRF Ranking 2023- #21 | DBT STAR STATUS COLLEGE

Oral Presentations


The organizing committee requests you to kindly stick to the following guidelines for smooth conduct of scientific sessions.

How to prepare a presentation

(1) Instructions for PowerPoint:

Prepare a presentation in 4:3 format using the Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 or higher (*.ppt) or (*pptx) to ensure that it works properly on an on-site PC. We recommend you to save your PowerPoint presentation using .ppt or .pptx format instead of .pps. If you have pictures or videos in the presentation, please insert them in the presentation file, do not use links. The presentation system used during the symposium also supports the PDF presentations.

(2) Fonts:

Only fonts included in the basic installation of MS-Windows are available (English version of Windows). Use of other fonts (that are not included in Windows) can cause the wrong layout / style of the presentation. Suggested fonts are: Arial, Times New Roman, Tahoma, and Calibri.

(3) How to save a presentation:

Save your presentation in one of the following disc or medium:

  • USB flash drive
  • External hard or solid state drive
  • Save all files associated with the presentation (PowerPoint file, movie / video files, etc.) to one folder / location. In case you are presenting more than one presentation during the congress, save different presentations to different folders and name them clearly to avoid on-site misunderstandings and problems. Always make a backup copy of your presentation and save it on a different portable disc or medium than the original presentation. DVD-RAM and Blu-ray Disc will not be available.

(4) Other information: Standard equipment of the session rooms

  • Data video projector
  • Screen
  • Laptop with mouse
  • Sound system
  • Microphones
  • Remote control with laser pointer
  • Pointer with slide changer
  • Timer
  • HDMI and Mac adaptors
  • Wifi connection (from IHC)

(5) How to submit your presentation on-site

Kindly submit and preview your presentations at least 2 hours prior to commencement of your session in the preview area.

We humbly request you to adhere to the time allotted for your session. At the end of allotted time, the projection will freeze for 05 seconds as a gentle reminder, however depending on the time available, the speaker may be given a further 30 seconds to conclude. This is only to enable timely completion of the scientific sessions and no disrespect or offense is intended.