Acharya Narendra Dev College

University of Delhi

NAAC Grade "A+" | NIRF Ranking 2023- #21 | DBT STAR STATUS COLLEGE

Poster Presentations

Poster boards

Size of the posters should be 120 cm (height) x 90 cm (width).

A list of posters will be put up by the organizers in the display area. Kindly note your poster number from it and mount the poster on the respective board.

Fixing material (pins and stickers) will be available in the display area. INSCR staff will be available to assist you during the time of poster mounting.


Abstract submission for poster and oral presentations are now open!

Abstract submission deadline is January 10, 2025

Method of submission

Abstracts can be submitted via the given link:

Guidelines for Abstract submission

• All abstracts must be submitted and presented in English.

• Each abstract shall not exceed a limit of 300 words (excluding title, authors and affiliations).

• Standard abbreviations do not need explanation. Other abbreviations must be defined in brackets when first used in the text.

• Figures, graphs, images, diagrams and references should not be included.

• A confirmation regarding receipt of the abstract will be sent to your email address within 24 h. If you do not receive it within two days, please check your spam folder first and then contact us at .

• If changes to your submitted abstract are necessary, please contact us at the email address given above at any time before the deadline.

• Please do not submit the same abstract multiple times.

• Please contact for general information or any scientific query.

• An author can submit max. 3 abstracts as the first author (one for oral presentation and two for poster presentation).

Authors will be notified of the acceptance of their abstract through email by January 15, 2025