Integrating research with teaching-learning process has been one of the key features of undergraduate education at ANDC. Introducing research by providing adequate infrastructure has helped the young minds to become more inquisitive, more innovative and more productive in fields of their interest. The college’s vision to base science learning with as much hands on approach as possible resulted in bringing research to the classroom. This in fact results in laying firm foundations of a scientifically strong Nation by engaging and retaining the interest of young researchers in scientific areas. The research opportunities are provided to ANDC students through a number of, college sponsored and externally funded, research projects faculty since 2004. Besides undergraduate research, ANDC is gradually becoming a flourishing research centre with doctoral and post-doctoral research being done under supervision of sixteen faculty members from different disciplines. The quality of research work done by the students and the faculty members is evident by a large number of publications in peer reviewed national and international journals. A number of research papers have been co-authored by the undergraduate students as well. Anusandhan Kosh is a fund generated by the college to promote research and innovations by the students and faculty. The committee deliberate and frames the guidelines for the effective use of the fund .
Click here for guidelines of Anusandhan Kosh
Click here for Anusandhan Kosh Minutes Final Circulated
Click here Format Project Proposal ANDC